Regulatory and Environmental
Our environmental and regulatory team can assist you to ensure your projects comply with the regulatory requirements, while optimizing the environmental performances. We provide a full suite of services from permitting and licensing to environmental assessments and engineered solutions.
Working with AP Dynamics guarantees you the commitment of a dedicated team and the quality of solutions.
Permitting and Licensing
- BC Oil and Gas Commission (OGC), Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and Saskatchewan facility and pipeline application services – Application Management System (AMS), Kermit, Digital Data Submission (DDS), OneStop and Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS) platforms.
- – Review of engineered drawings to ensure compliance to regulatory requirements.
- – Completion of required technical attachments and documentation.
- – Submission of Technical amendments and Notices of Intent.
- – Submission of Notice of Construction, Notice of Pressure Test, and Leave To Open.
- BC Environmental Assessment and Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) approval/registration coordination.
- Waste discharge permitting.
- Technical Safety BC (TSBC) and Alberta Boiler Safety Authority (ABSA) installation permit applications.
- Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) calculations.
- Sour Gas Facility Proliferation (ID 2001‐03).
Inspection Services
- Coordination and liaison of OGC construction, QA/QC, metering and LTO inspections.
- – Compilation of all required QA/QC, metering and LTO documentation.
- – Field level coordination of engineering, operations and programming to execute inspections.
- Coordination and liaison of TSBC pressure vessel and boiler inspections.
Compliance Services
- Management plans for new Oil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation (OGPFR), including fugitive emissions, security, environmental and integrity management systems.
- Management of permit conditions.
- Coordination and/or contract of QA inspection and integrity management services.
Greenhouse Gas Quantification and Reporting
- Quantification of greenhouse gas footprint for facilities or activities using Western Climate Initiative (WCI) and Alberta Quantification (TIER) methodologies.
- Identification of greenhouse gas reduction strategies and projects. Quantification of changes to greenhouse gas intensity as a result.
- Evaluation of business case for reduction strategies, including budgetary payback, investment tax credits and funding sources.
- Completion of government funding applications.
Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) Services
- Completion of greenhouse gas performance assessments for ESG and Carbon Data Project reporting.
- Assistance with development of ESG plans and goal setting.
Environmental Management Systems
- Water, Air Quality, Vegetation, Wildlife, Fugitive Emissions, Erosion and Noise management plans.
Noise Impact Assessments and Dispersion Modeling
- Perform noise impact assessment and dispersion modeling services.
- Evaluation and implementation of cost-effective mitigation (low hanging fruit).